Thursday, March 9, 2023


World Seafood Congress 2023

(in association with International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety)

25-27 September 2023

Fisheries and aquaculture production and distribution systems are at the heart of the blue bio-economy.  As the supplier of the world’s most traded protein, the seafood sector has a pivotal role to play in building and maintaining global supply and distribution systems that ensure the delivery of safe, sustainable, and equitable products and services into the second half of the 21st Century.

The WSC2023 will explore how to optimise the contribution of fishery and aquaculture production and distribution to sustainable development, reflecting the interests of operators, workers along the supply chain and, crucially, consumers.

The Congress will bring together the businesses and people working in the global seafood trade and its supply chain. It will consider how to optimise their contributions and how the sector can adapt to the challenging dynamics of the physical, biological, informational, and socio-economic environment to ensure that businesses deliver safe, sustainable, and equitable products and services into the second half of the 21st Century. 

Key Thematic Areas: 

  • Advances in the science and technology of food from the aquatic environment
  • Optimisation of safe and sustainable value chains
  • Meeting global demands of markets and consumers
  • Molluscan Shellfish Safety

Catching the Wave 
of the 
Blue Bio-economy

“Adding Value to Seafood in a Dynamic Environment”

Grant funding for attendance of young fish technologists at the 2023 World Seafood Congress

Peter Howgate Award 2023

The International Association of Fish Inspectors (IAFI) is pleased to announce the opening of applications for the 2023 Peter Howgate Award. This award will fund the attendance of a young fish technologist (under 30 years of age) to the IAFI World Seafood Congress 2023, to be held in Peniche, Portugal from 25-27th September 2023. The Award will cover travel, accommodation and the congress fee, and this will afford the winning applicant a career changing opportunity to gain insights and build networks in the global fishery sector. The deadline for submission of applications is 19th May 2023. You can also visit our Facebook page for updates and information about previous awards ( ).

The IAFI Peter Howgate Award is a tribute to the late Peter Howgate's work and career, and a recognition of his immense and ongoing contribution to the field of fish technology and the people who work in it, both during his 35 years at the UK’s Torry Research Station, UK, and thereafter. The Award was set up by fish technology professionals around the world, with the help of the Seafood HACCP Discussion List community and was adopted by IAFI in 2014. We look forward to meeting the successful applicant at WSC 2023.

You can download the Rules and application form for the 2023 Peter Howgate Award here.