Thursday, August 3, 2023

The International Association of Fish Inspectors is delighted and honoured to announce the winners of the 2023 IAFI Peter Howgate Award.

They are Ms Polina Rusanova from Russia and Mr Samuel Koduah from Ghana. Polina has background as a marine ecologist and is a researcher at the Institute for Biological Resources and Marine Biotechnology of the National Research Council of Italy, having completed a joint Masters degree in Environmental management at Irkutsk State University, Russia and Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, Germany. Polina’s research area concerns the impacts of the environment on seafood safety and quality.  In particular she will present a paper at World Seafood Congress 2023 on microplastic contamination in elasmobranch fish and impacts on seafood quality. Sam works as a Fish Inspector in the Fish Inspection Department of the Ghana Standards Authority, located in Accra. His main duties are as a front-line officer undertaking the food safety inspection and auditing of fishing vessels and fish processing establishments listed for export of fishery products from Ghana. This work involves him in checking hygiene conditions of the facilities, its staff and HACCP food safety control systems, and the preparation of reports. IAFI sends our warmest congratulations to them both.

Ms. Polina Rusanova, from Irktusk, Russia 

         Mr. Samuel Koduah, from the Ghana Standards Authority